Mother, I Love You!

Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.
— Robert Browning

Robert Browning said it perfectly. Mother's Day is fast approaching, and there are many things you can do for Mom that she will surely treasure. Have you thought of just writing her a letter? Tell her just how much she means to you, how lucky you are to have her as a mother? I know this will score you points if my kids did this it would make me so happy. Moms like anyone else would like to be listened to so how about taking her to coffee or for a walk on the beach and listen to her without interrupting? I know this will score you more points.

You were little once, and she will always remember that but, having beautiful images for her to treasure and hand down throughout generations is something we don’t think about until we’re all grown up or someone isn’t there anymore. I know this from first hand experience. My dad hated to be in photographs so we have no professional family photos with our mom.

No need to wait until you lose that 10 lbs,. or you're able to fit back into those skinny jeans. Professional photographers are skilled in posing and lighting that will only be flattering, so there is no need to keep putting it off. I have designed my photo session so my clients feel pampered. You are treated like a queen when you arrive you will get your hair and makeup done by a professional, being treated like a queen and having their beautiful children to share it with is something that every mother should experience. I had my own photo session with a colleague recently and it was one of the best experiences. It was all about me, and I loved seeing the images on the back of the camera.

I talk with many people from high school seniors to the more mature about designing their photo session from makeup and hair to wardrobe. I can see how excited they get and I try and answer all their questions to take away some of the anxiety.

All the preparation that goes into planning and preparing for the shoot pays off with beautiful photos you will display, post and share.

Whatever you decide to do for mom just remember her and how much she means to you.




